Frequently Asked Questions


What happens during our discovery call?

This complimentary 20 min call will help us get acquainted! We want to learn more about you, your space, and your current situation.

What does consultation mean?

Our 1-hr consultation is when we meet with you to better evaluate the space and discuss your goals. This is a paid fee as it includes a personalized Project Proposal and service estimate.

How long does a project take?

It all depends on the density of the items, how many organizers are working, and your valuable input. A service estimate is provided in your Project Proposal based on our consultation, but hours may vary.

What does the process look like?

We usually start each project with a sort & editing session. From there we’ll find products tailored for your space and start organizing!

Can you purchase products for me?

Of course! We provide Shopping Assistance for all your project’s organizing products. We’ll even take care of any returns related to the project and make sure that you’re only charged for what you keep.

What areas of the house do you service?

We pride ourselves on being able to service any area in your home or office. From kitchen pantries to setting up a nursery, we can tackle any project.

To view a full list of spaces we service, visit our Services page.

Do I need to be around?

While you don’t need to be around for the entire project, we will need your input during the sorting & editing stage of organizing. This is where you’ll direct us on what things need to be kept, donated, or trashed. After that, we’ll take it from there!

What is your coverage area?

We’re currently serving the Southern California region, with in-person organizing sessions in Los Angeles, Orange, and Ventura County. However, we are open to travel & offer virtual sessions per request.

What does the hourly rate include?

We have an hourly rate for 1 lead organizer and a separate hourly rate for 1 lead organizer + 1 assistant. A minimum of 4 hours is required when booking. Project pricing & flexible payment plan options are available per request.

How do I maintain the space after you’re done?

Our goal is to create sustainable systems that are easy to maintain and custom-designed for your lifestyle. After each project, we walk you and your family through each space and show you how to maintain it.

For returning clients, we offer maintenance plans where we can schedule sessions on a regular basis to keep your home looking picture perfect.