How it works

  • First, let’s chat!

    We’ll be spending a lot of time together—so let’s get to know each other a little bit(:

    Our complimentary discovery call will give us a chance to learn about your current situation, your goals, and see if we’re the right fit.

  • Then, we’ll set up a consultation.

    Let’s take a deeper look at your project and see the space. In this paid 1-hour consultation, we’ll discuss details, like aesthetics, budget, and any other questions you may have.

    With that information, we create a personalized Project Proposal and provide an estimated service cost and availability.

    If everything looks good, we can get started on scheduling our first session!

  • Ready? Let’s get started.

    (It’s happening!!)

    With every scheduled session we take the right steps to get your space in order. You can be as involved as you need to be, but nothing will be removed from your space without your invaluable input.

  • Yay, we did it!

    You have reclaimed your space and now have the tools to continue on your organizing journey. Let’s celebrate!

Currently serving in-person organizing sessions in Los Angeles, Orange, and Ventura County.

Virtual sessions are available upon request.

Rates are billed hourly.